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SAP is a global market leader in enterprise application software. SAP’s groundbreaking Autism at Work program, launched in May 2013, integrates people with autism into the workforce. SAP has a corporate goal to employ 650 colleagues on the autism spectrum.

In August 2016, the SAP Autism at Work Program launched in Australia. The program employs university students on the autism spectrum to work for SAP as Interns. The program to date has been established in Canberra and Sydney and has plans to expand to other States in the coming years.

SAP Australia launches Autism at Work

Business software company, SAP Australia, has launched Autism at Work, an initiative that enables people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to find qualified employment in the company.

It made the announcement at the NDIS New World: Disability in the 21st Century conference in Brisbane, hosted by the National Disability Insurance Agency.

The business case for neurodiversity

Neurodiversity in the workplace is not something SAP has incorporated simply as a matter of equality and inclusion; it’s something that’s helpful to its business.


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Specialisterne Australia has formally joined the Specialisterne Global Network - Read the full article here

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