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The Lendlease Neurodiverse Hiring Initiative: A Construction Industry Case Study

This case study delves into the partnership between Lendlease and Specialisterne Australia to establish a Neurodiverse Talent Recruitment Program, showcasing Lendlease's pioneering role in the construction industry. In 2022, the program provided valuable career prospects to four neurodivergent individuals who may have encountered obstacles in securing fulfilling employment due to traditional, exclusionary hiring methods.

Why did Lendlease pursue Neurodiverse Hiring Initiative?

Lendlease is a diverse, flexible, and inclusive employer of choice., and engages, enables, and empowers its people. Lendlease believes that inclusion sets everyone up for success and embraces the value of a vibrant and diverse workforce, recognising that its people have different experiences and needs at different times.


What did the inclusive recruitment process look like?

Moving away from the traditional interview methods, the program adopted a flexible and inclusive strategy. Applicants engaged in targeted practical activities tailored to the positions they had applied for. This enabled each applicant to clearly demonstrate their skills and abilities in a patient, hands-on, safe, and inclusive environment.

Specialisterne empowered candidates and facilitated their success in the workplace by providing tailored job readiness workshops. The workshops were designed to assist each participant in recognising and harnessing their distinctive skills and knowledge, ensuring they were well-prepared before embarking on their employment journey. Through personalised guidance, new employees identified their strengths, enhancing their readiness for the demands of their role.

“The recruitment process exceeded my expectations and has proven instrumental to my career and wellbeing.” - Lendlease Neurodiverse Talent Recruitment Program Candidate

The program provided access to opportunities in various areas including data analytics support, document controller, site administration and submission support.


The Impact:

As part of the program, meaningful career opportunities were offered to four autistic individuals with each new hire receiving a permanent contract.  The positions were a combination of part-time and full-time opportunities, the flexibility of the employment type was in consultation with the participants to suit their situation.

One participant was placed in a construction site-based office, highlighting that neurodivergent talent can thrive in supported environments.    

The program has supported our candidates and successful applicants through every step of the process, as well as provided guidance and training for our Managers. This support has enabled our teams to successfully provide an inclusive work environment for neurodivergent talent.


– Skye Mason, Director of Operations, Construction



Lendlease is dedicated to enhancing diversity and inclusion in the workforce by offering opportunities in specific diversity areas and using a different method to hire neurodiverse individuals.

The organisation's willingness and eagerness to tailor its recruitment approach for neurodivergent individuals were crucial to the success of the program. The partnership between Lendlease and Specialisterne established a foundation for continuous and sustainable recruitment initiatives for neurodivergent individuals.





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